Which one of these do you need?

1. I didn't receive my login details

We've had problems with some people receiving their login details. First, check your spam folder of your email account as it sometimes ends up there.

If you don't have it, the fastest way to contact us is through Facebook Messenger.

Just click on this link - http://m.me/MatthewCoastRA and when messenger opens up, let us know your email address and that you're missing your login details.

If you don't have Facebook, you can email us at support@matthewcoast.com.

2. I need to cancel my subscription or get a refund...

If you need to cancel or refund your product, please contact us on Facebook here - http://m.me/MatthewCoastRA

Or email us at support@matthewcoast.com and we'll take care of you immediately.

3. Mailing Address

1887 WHITNEY MESA DR #6004

4. Access Your Products

If you're not sure where you go to access your products, you should have received an email detailing it.

Our login page for the courses is here - https://healinghearthq.com/login/

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